Career Coaching

Feeling frustrated, dissatisfied or stressed at work? Need help to decide what to do next, transition to a new industry or advance in your current workplace?

Reset Mind Counselling and Coaching
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Need help exploring a new career path?

Feeling frustrated, dissatisfied or stressed at work can have a major impact on our daily performance, our relationships, our physical health and overall wellbeing. The key to a successful and enjoyable career is to ensure that our goals align with our personal values. When these align, you will gain deep satisfaction from your work.

Do you want to:

• Identify and pursue the right career path

• Make a successful career change

• Reduce work stress

• Create a healthy work/life balance

How I work with you

I focus on empowering you to understand what is blocking your career success, and discover the best strategies to help you move forward. Collaboratively, I can help you to discover your ability to succeed in your career or find a career path that you really enjoy.

What kind of issues can Career Coaching help with?

  • Work/life balance
  • Managing work stress
  • Anger management issues
  • Finding a new career or making a career change
  • Managing conflicts at work including workplace bullying
  • Managing a difficult boss or work colleague relationships
  • Managing heavy workloads, achievable goal setting, prioritising tasks
  • Application and interview coaching including identifying your strengths and skills you’d forgotten you had, helping you sell yourself like a pro, communication, self-esteem
  • Redundancy and finding a new role

How does it work?

Sessions tend to take place in weekly sessions. The length of time needed to affect positive change depends on what you wish to change.

How much does career counselling cost?

Complimentary 15-min exploratory video call session to find out more about your needs and how I can help you.

For life and career coaching via video call online £80 per 50-min session or if you block book 6+ consecutive weekly sessions £75. For face-to-face sessions, please add £15 per session (Norwich NR3 and NR7 dependant on room availability)

If you’d like to sign up for a FREE 15-min exploratory video call session with Ann-Marie at Reset Mind, simply complete the form below to arrange. Please ensure you leave a telephone number.

Contact Reset Mind