Life and Career Coaching Norwich

Want to make big changes in your life? Life or career coaching will help you to reach your personal or professional goals and help you through transitions. A coach can assist and guide you through a plan.

Life Coaching with Reset Mind Counselling and Coaching
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What is coaching?

A coach can help you to improve your friendships and relationships, career, and day-to-day life. Coaching can help you clarify your goals, identify any obstacles holding you back, and come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle.

How long do coaching sessions take?

Each coaching session will typically last 50-minutes. Once you’re making progress and keeping up your motivation, you can meet with your coach every two to three weeks so that you have plenty of time to work on your goals between sessions. Your coach will monitor progress on a session-by-session basis and make recommendations accordingly.

How can coaching help?

You will gain clarity about what you want, why you want it and how you can get it. The aim is to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, using strategies and techniques which helps you to reach your goal faster.

How long do coaching sessions last?

Coaching sessions will typically last 50-minutes. Once you’re making progress and keeping up your motivation, you can meet with your coach every two to three weeks so that you have plenty of time to work on your goals between sessions. Your coach will monitor progress on a session-by-session basis and make recommendations accordingly.

What happens during a coaching session?

At your initial assessment session, your coach will ask you some questions, such as what you want to achieve in life or your career, what areas you’re unhappy with and where you’d like to see yourself in the future. Your coach will work with you to challenge or reflect upon certain ideas you have to help you move forward with your life. You will never be forced to make any decisions you don’t feel comfortable with and all sessions will be confidential, allowing you to explore your thoughts and feelings privately in a safe space. Coaching is often seen as a partnership between you and your coach, who will gently encourage you to explore how to make positive changes in your life based on your aspirations. A coach will work with you by agreeing and setting SMART goals collaboratively and motivating you to achieve them. They should also offer support and feedback to help you to stay focused on your goals.

What can life and career coaching help with?

It can help you make life and career changes or if you’re stuck and are wondering what path to take and how to get there, it can help with confidence in job interviews, overcome obstacles and explore and evaluate all possible options available. The key is dedicated time, support, encouragement, goal setting and motivation.

How much does life coaching cost?

Complimentary 15-min exploratory video call session to find out more about your needs and how I can help you.

For life and career coaching via video call online £80 per 50-min session or if you block book 6+ consecutive weekly sessions £75. For face-to-face sessions, please add £15 per session (Norwich NR3 and NR7 dependant on room availability)

If you’d like to sign up for a FREE 15-min exploratory video call session with Ann-Marie at Reset Mind, simply complete the form below to arrange. Please ensure you leave a telephone number.

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