Low self-esteem and confidence building

Do you need help with low self-esteem and confidence? 
Is low self-esteem holding you back in life? A healthy self-esteem can make a huge difference to your quality of life, particularly when it comes to friendships, relationships, your career and your education.

Life Coaching with Reset Mind Counselling and Coaching
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How can counselling help with low self esteem?

Counselling can help you explore the way you feel and change your view of yourself and others so you can develop a solid self-capacity, for sustaining a happier life.  For many, the biggest benefit of counselling for low self-esteem, is gaining the ability to live your life with a stronger feeling of freedom and confidence, to be who you truly are.

  • Discover how to become more assertive.
  • Learn how to create more balanced, mutually respectful and satisfying relationships.
  • Discover how you can feel confident enough to achieve what you want in life.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of yourself and what makes you happiest.
  • Discover how certain behaviours, feelings, and thoughts that are contributing to your low opinion of yourself.
  • Uncover the root causes of your low sense of self-worth and how to address them.
  • Learn how to improve your self-image and reduce self-doubt.
  • Experience a significant decrease in anxiety levels.

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem is the opinion that you have about yourself.  Your esteem develops from the relationships and experiences that you have throughout your life. It is something that develops and changes over time, and most people experience moments of low self-esteem, at some point in life. This can be a perfectly normal response to external events, from time to time. When low self-esteem becomes a long-term habit, it can harm your relationships with others, damage your confidence, stunt your ability to assert yourself and feed a cycle of increasing frustration and unhappiness. Research has shown a correlation between low self-esteem and depression.

What are typical symptoms of low-self-esteem?

  • Shyness
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Valuing the opinions of others above your own
  • Fear of change
  • Being drawn into unhealthy or destructive relationships
  • Low levels of confidence in areas including education, career and relationships
  • Feelings of inadequacy
  • Being overwhelmed with negative thoughts and fears
  • Feeling unloved
  • Not being able to make friends

Therapy and tools to help with low self-esteem

I use a mix of counselling and interpersonal therapy to provide clients with a wide range of tools, to help build a healthy self-esteem and build confidence.

How much does counselling for low self-esteem cost?

Complimentary 15-min exploratory video call session to find out more about your needs and how I can help you.

For counselling for self esteem and confidence via video call online or telephone £70 per 50-min session or if you block book 6+ consecutive weekly sessions £65. For face-to-face sessions, please add £15 per session (Norwich NR3 and NR7 dependant on room availability)

If you’d like to sign up for a FREE 15-min exploratory video call session with Ann-Marie at Reset Mind, simply complete the form below to arrange. Please ensure you leave a telephone number.

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